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Web 2.0 Starts

Source :

From the Mercury News this morning:`The conference as an event has evolved from something that's fairly bleeding edge to representing the core of our industry's community,'' said Ross Mayfield, the CEO of , which makes wikis for business customers. Mayfield is attending for the third year in a row and says that ``If you look past the hype, you see that it features real companies with real traction, and that there's still innovation coming.''

Lisa Lampert, a managing director at Intel Capital, will also be at the show. ``We see the Web 2.0 conference as a very important venue to launch our first enterprise suite for Web 2.0. We see it as the best way to get out (our) message.''

Whether next year's event is as popular remains to be seen. Said Mayfield, ``The downside to the conference's success is that Web 2.0 may become the name of the bubble itself.''

See you at the Enterprise 2.0 Workshop at 8:30am.

Ross Mayfield le 07.11.06 à 15:33 dans Wikisphère - Version imprimable
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