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Un projet coopératif pour construire le PointWiki

Le Projet

• NOUVEAUTE : nous republions désormais directement les billets de certains blogueurs de la wikisphère. 2 avantages : pour vous, plus d'actualité ; pour nous, plus de temps pour la réflexion et les synthèses...
• Ce projet a pour but de démocratiser l'usage des wikis pour les individus ainsi que les entreprises et de traiter de l'actualité des wikis.
• Abonnez-vous à notre fil si vous disposez d'un lecteur de nouvelles.

RecentChangesCamp May 9-11th in Palo Alto

Source :

, the Barcamp for the wiki way, is May 9-11th in Palo Alto: was born from the intersection of wiki and - a very wiki-like way of organizing gatherings. A lot of cool people into wiki, community and collaboration will be there - what do you want to talk with them about? Every participant is invited to lead their own sessions; the guideline is to take responsibility for what you love. In addition to general and technical conversations about - and actual coding on - wikis and other software, session topics from past RCCs have covered subjects from art to social organizing to philanthropy, playing a creative conversation game, and individual & group coding practices. See the past conference wikis for more complete lists and session notes.

Anyone and everyone is invited to attend. You will especially enjoy Recent Changes Camp, if you happen to be any of the the following:

    *      Member of any open wiki community or someone who uses wikis at work, school or in any other context    * Interested in community, action, collaboration, creativity or any other activity in which the self-organizing power of wiki might be helpful    *      Interested in the and/or movements    *      Interested in knowledge creation and sharing knowledge    *      A generally curious and inquisitive personSignup on the wiki, Upcoming or Facebook [..]

Ross Mayfield le 14.04.08 à 22:15 dans Wikisphère - Version imprimable
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