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Wikileaks and the Plumbing of Journalism

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The web has a way of asking big questions of society. And right now is asking very big questions. founder Julian Assange describes the recent release of 90k documents about the Afghanistan war thusly, in a SPIEGEL interview:Assange: These files are the most comprehensive description of a war to be published during the course of a war -- in other words, at a time when they still have a chance of doing some good. They cover more than 90,000 different incidents, together with precise geographical locations. They cover the small and the large. A single body of information, they eclipse all that has been previously said about Afghanistan. They will change our perspective on not only the war in Afghanistan, but on all modern wars. He goes on to say how he enjoys crushing bastards. And he isn't talking about mainstream media per se, but Jay Rosen notes their new role in history is also in journalism:"In media history up to now, the press is free to report on what the [..]

Ross Mayfield le 27.07.10 à 07:26 dans Wikisphère - Version imprimable
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